Beatrice Isnardi's profile

Alice: Playing Croquet

Alice series, n.4.
“Playing croquet”
“Ma con sorpresa trovò una gran folla raccolta intorno al Ghignagatto; il Re, la Regina e il carnefice urlavano tutti e tre insieme, e gli altri erano silenziosi e malinconici. Quando Alice apparve fu chiamata da tutti e tre per risolvere la questione. Essi le ripeterono i loro argomenti; ma siccome parlavano tutti in una volta, le fu difficile intendere che volessero. Il carnefice sosteneva che non si poteva tagliar la testa dove mancava un corpo da cui staccarla; che non aveva mai avuto da fare con una cosa simile prima, e che non voleva cominciare a farne alla sua età.”
(Capitolo VIII, “Il croquet della regina”, “Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie”, L. Carrol, 1865).
“When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, she was surprised to find quite a large crowd collected round it: there was a dispute going on between the executioner, the King, and the Queen, who were all talking at once, while all the rest were quite silent, and looked very uncomfortable.
The moment Alice appeared, she was appealed to by all three to settle the question, and they repeated their arguments to her, though, as they all spoke at once, she found it very hard indeed to make out exactly what they said.
The executioner’s argument was, that you couldn’t cut off a head unless there was a body to cut it off from: that he had never had to do such a thing before, and he wasn’t going to begin at his time of life.”
(Chapter VIII, “The Queen’s Croquet-Ground”, “Alice in Wonderland”, L. Carrol, 1865).
Alice: Playing Croquet

Alice: Playing Croquet
